
Weltmeister-More than selling cars

Weltmeister (WM Motors) is an electric car company established in 2015 who devoted to promoting the development of smart mobility industry in China. They wants to use their new website to tell people that WM is not only selling cars, but also providing a new way of mobility and lifestyle.

Client: Weltmeister Motor
Date: Jan 2018 Role: UI/UX, Web design

Watch the interactive prototype demo

click the video above to watch the prototype of the website

Workshop: Discover what kind of experience WM wants to give users on the new website.

Workshop: Discover what kind of experience WM wants to give users on the new website.

More than cars and products, as well as services, communities and lifestyles.

More than cars and products, as well as services, communities and lifestyles.

Provide a consistent brand experience on mobile device.

Provide a consistent brand experience on mobile device.
